Ricochet Rampage
Team Developer, Gameplay Programming, Level Design
Ricochet Rampage is a Third-Person action platformer where the player takes control of Sir Porage, a shape-shifting, silent protagonist determined to recover the food stolen from his kingdom’s people. Players ricochet off of enemies and platforms as they navigate through medieval levels.
Ricochet Rampage was my first team-based, long-form Unity project. We set out to have a fast-paced platformer where the player would feel constant pressure to dodge or destroy ricocheting projectiles throughout levels.
After prototyping unique platforms with effects on the player(that would later be scrapped), I became design lead on our enemies. Wanting to play off the ricochet theming we had around our traversal mechanics, I leaned into the idea of ricocheting projectiles. Using the Unity AI library’s navmeshes with agents, I started by creating a patrol type of enemy that would walk between set points until the player was in their trigger zone upon which they would shoot ricocheting fireballs at the player. Using similar logic I programmed Hive Towers to shoot at players once they entered a set radius. Once complete I worked with fellow developers to implement sounds, animations, and particle effects to further polish our enemies. I also helped design our main-level hub around the narrative we had put forth for Sir Porage’s food kingdom.
A full post-mortem is available on the itch page.
Learning Outcomes:
Experience with the Unity AI library and enemy gameplay programming
Unity particle systems scripting experience
A clear understanding for when to scale back a project with too wide a scope